Tuesday 5 June 2012

Fandom...NOT: Part One

In a reversal of sentiment, I shall post about an activity which I am absolutely NOT a fan of.

It was a fine day in Dec 2010, en route to Yong Pyong ski resort in South Korea with my family, in anticipation of learning a new skill....yup, sliding down a snowy slope with balance and grace.
First stop was at the ski shop to get our jackets, pants, skis, etc.
The shop guy gave me a suit which made me look totally like the Pink Panther. *grimace*
The skis were another matter altogether....just getting into the boots was an ordeal...and trying to move in them was daunting indeed.
We also met our instructor there, a handsome dude from Australia who liked to spend his summer on the slopes giving lessons to clueless newbies like us.

Clumping in my boots to the snow to strap on my skis, I gulped.
Why was I even doing this??
Oh yes...it was because I had always wanted to try skiing after seeing all those pics of friends on Facebook decked out in their ski suits and posting about slaloms, pists and what-nots.

Anyway, our instructor ( I can't remember his name...let's just call him Dave) patiently explained all the do's and don'ts of how to fall and get up and I ventured forth on a flat expense of snow to take my first faltering steps....and fell after only two.
Getting up was impossible. Dave had to help me up and off I went again....and fell. Sigh....this was not going to be easy.

I'll spare you the details of how I even managed to move a few steps and cut to the part where Dave suggested we try coming down a gentle slope.
So up we went on the ski lift to the top of the beginner's run.
The ski lift ride was nice but after I had gotten off and was looking at the expense of slope going downhill, I gulped again.
Well...I slid a little....and fell.
Took about 10 minutes trying to get up using the technique Dave had taught....but eventually had to unstrap my skis and get to my feet clumsily.
A few more tries of this and I finally decided enough was enough.
I was hot and sweaty; my nose had been running non-stop; and I was TIRED!
Not to mention the fact that sliding even down a very short distance was, I discovered, a terrifying feeling for me....and not at all exhilarating.
I was certain I would fall and break something or go uncontrollably fast and end up crashing into someone or something at the bottom.
In the end, I had to tandem-ski down with Dave, hugging him from behind for dear life and my sense of relief when I reached the bottom was immense beyond belief.
And that was is for the rest the afternoon...for me, at least.

The next day, I attempted to ski again....but I could not even get my boots attached on to the skis properly. Somehow, they were just not clicking into place when I stepped on them.
I took that as a message from the universe...happily.
No more skiing for me....ever.

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