Thursday 10 May 2012

A recap of sorts

"Writing of every kind is a way to wake oneself up and keep as alive as when one has just fallen in love.”
“Writing is, in the end, that oddest of anomalies: an intimate letter to a stranger.”
― Pico Iyer

The above two quotes were posted on a friend's Facebook Status earlier today.
I smiled when I read them as they resonated strongly with me, given that I've been on the blogging bandwagon for nearly four weeks now and still have the feeling of (to paraphase a well-known truism):
"So much to write about, so little time!"
Certainly, I feel more alive and it does feel like I've been penning letters of a somewhat intimate nature in these vignettes of mine.

I have to credit my son for inspiring me to start this blog, as he wanted to set one up to write movie reviews. I mean, I've always liked to write and had toyed around with the idea of blogging now and then, but never really knew what to blog about.
So when he actually got started on Wordpress, I thought about it a little and realised that I could have fun doing the same with my many years of obsessing and fandoming!. After all, I had even set up my youtube channel last year to collect vids and record my playing of fave songs on the piano. This would just the next step. :)

I must say it's been a really fun trip down Memory Lane for many of my posts and yet, there's so much more I want to cover and in greater detail, not just for my own satisfaction (although that's the main reason!) but for my friends and others who may be reading this randomly.

It's been cathartic, in a way, to:
a) Share about my multiple fandoms by writing about them.
b) Look back on the past forty years wryly yet affectionately, albeit with a touch of anxiety as to what others might think about me.
c) Yet conclude that at the end of the day, what I'm writing about is uniquely me and I'm proud of it!
d) Discover that quite a few of my friends are closet bloggers and opened up their blogs to me when I shared mine with them. :)
e)  Realise that this activity has inspired other friends to think about starting their own blogs. :))

As well, it's no secret that many of my friends (and family) already know what a nutcase I can be when caught up in an obsession and I hereby wish to express my deepest gratitude to my dear hubby for his patience with me over the past 25 years of our togetherness (comprising courtship and marriage).
Come to think of it, he has also shared a few of my fandoms and was actually instrumental in getting me hooked on at least two franchises, viz Star Trek and The X-Files, which I will post about in due course. :)

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